The Legion of Mary is an Association of Catholics that meets in devotion to Mary in prayer and service. The spirit of the Legion of Mary is that of Mary herself. The group meets every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM in the Spiritual Life Center. The rosary is recited with a short reading and discussion.
Lisa Yi 610-532-2687
Mary Stoffolino 610-532-3561
The Worship Committee meets periodically with the Pastor to discuss, plan and prepare the Liturgical events of our faith community. The Sacred Liturgy is the source and summit of the Church's life and activity. We, at Saint Madeline Parish, take this responsibility very seriously. It is through the Sacred Liturgy that: what we pray, is what we believe, is how we live.
As a faith community, we recognize that the Celebration of the Sacraments is the CENTER of who we are and what we profess. Everything else; flows from the graces of these SEVEN "signs or mysteries" of our Catholic Faith.
St. Madeline Sodality is a spiritual and social group made up of women of all ages, with devotion towards the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Miraculous Medal. Sodality members gather on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Spiritual Life Center for Novena and Benediction.
Patty O'Hara 610.633.3048